Sofwave Skin Lift

Like a Noninvasive Face-Lift…But Better!

Sofwave™ is blowing up the beauty and youth industry! People with all skin types and colors are loving their face and neck firming, eyebrow lifting, visible results.

Some of the incredible outcomes people are seeing:

  • Up to a 4mm eyebrow lift

  • Firm, defined jawline

  • Submental (under chin) and neck lifting

  • Noticeable reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

Let pictures tell the story. View some before/after images here.

King 5 feature on Sofwave

Hado Health’s Minerva Henson featured on King 5 to discuss Sofwave laser technology

Why is Sofwave the Best Answer to Anti-Aging?

SMART Yet SIMPLE Skin Treatment

• Multiple ultrasound beams technology provides high levels of coverage with each pulse

• Proven results

• Shown to give up to a 4mm eyebrow lift

• Motivates skin to produce more collagen and elastin and hyaluronic acid

EXCEPTIONAL Safety Profile

• Integrated epidermis cooling Sofwave™ and real-time skin temperature monitoring for your comfort

• Approved for all skin types

• No damage to the underlying structures

HIGH Patient Satisfaction

• Non-invasive; no interruption to daily routine

• Fast treatment: 30 to 45 minutes

• Consistent results

Enhancing the Best in You

Sofwave™ is FDA-cleared and non-invasive. Other lasers cost the same and only address past signs of aging without providing any defense against future aging.

Sofwave™ quite literally teaches your skin to act like it did when you were younger, causing results you can see for years!

How does Sofwave Work?

The depth for treating wrinkles is 1.5mm in the mid-dermis. This unique, Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Superb™ technology generates heat at this exact depth in the mid-dermis. Additionally, there is an integrated cooling mechanism Sofcool™ that protects the uppermost skin layer from burning.

The impacted treatment zones stimulate a healing response, called neo-collagenases, which increases and regenerates the collagen in the skin, leading to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

The Sofwave Difference

Today there are various energy-based technologies designed to treat facial lines and wrinkles. Aggressive options (such as lasers) can cause significant damage to the skin surface, leading to a long healing period, and considerable downtime, and may have a high risk of side effects. Even RF microneedling treatments, which have recently become popular, can be uncomfortable, risky, and require downtime.

Gentler, non-invasive solutions (such as IPL and noninvasive RF) have shown limited effectiveness and call for multiple treatments.

Sofwave™ unique technology enables the controlled delivery of energy, in terms of amount and location, while protecting the skin surface with an integrated cooling mechanism. Even better, there is no downtime.


Typically, the treatment protocol calls for 1-2 treatments, depending on the patient’s skin condition.


As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you may feel warmness of the skin. Treatment is comfortable simply by applying a topical anesthetic cream just prior to the treatment.

Following the treatment, there are no sensations and there is no need to apply special care on the skin. Daily care can be resumed immediately post treatment.


The collagen regeneration process can sometimes take up to 12 weeks, so patients are expected to see ongoing improvements in the 3-month period after their treatment .

In Sofwave™ clinical trials, results have been shown in as little as, post one treatment.


Sofwave™ is a non-invasive treatment for skin tightening. Clinical trials have shown the technology to be effective and safe.

Immediately post treatment, the skin may appear slightly red with limited swelling for up to a few hours post treatment.

Eastern Medicine

Where East Meets West

What people are saying

Minerva's facial toning system using acupuncture and electronic stimulation has tightened and toned the skin in my face. I am 60 years old, and am so thrilled with the results that I have received from the regular treatment schedule I have been on with Minerva.

— E.D. | Bellevue, WA

At Hado Health

You can trust that your whole being is treated well and that we will carefully select the best treatment for your needs.