Effective C-Section Scar Therapy

C-Section Scar Release Therapy

Hado Health is on a mission to free as many women as possible from the pain and lasting side effects of c-section scars!

As with many women’s health issues, too many mamas are lead to believe c-section side effects, including a dark, lumpy, raised scar, are just part of the package. They are not — or at least, they don’t have to be!

You brought your child into this world. You should be busy enjoying parenting, not dealing with ongoing issues related to your c-section scar. Let us take away your suffering caused by scar adhesions Acu-Neural, the safe, effective c-section scar therapy.

Why Acu-Neural?

Acu-Neural Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for reducing the side effects of c-section scars. Read our FAQs below to learn more about this revolutionary service.

This scar therapy doesn’t just treat the appearance of the scar itself, such as flattening it or lightening the dark color and angry appearance.

Did you know c-section scar adhesions can cause a variety of other issues like abdominal pain and bladder or digestive issues?

Acu-Neural therapy can reduce these negative side effects as well as others including pain and numbness.

Feel comfortable in your body again.

Leave behind unwanted c-section side effects. Move forward into motherhood with a pain-free, comfortable body!

Get Relief from C-Section
Side Effects

Many women have painful, lumpy c-section scars that take years to heal or never fully heal. Even worse, they have symptoms that no one warned them about. We use Acu-Neural Therapy on patients’ c-section scars, and they’ve gotten relief from numerous symptoms, including:

  • Swollen, lumpy, red scar

  • Pain/tenderness/numbness at the scar site

  • Adhesions (abnormal, internal scar tissue) causing symptoms, including:

    • Buckled belly

    • Bladder issues like UTIs, irritation, frequent urination

    • Constipation, pain or other gastrointestinal issues

    • Pain during intercourse

    • Painful menstruation

    • Low back or hip pain

    • Pain in the pelvic area or abdomen

    • Swollen, bloated abdomen

    • Sacral pain

    • Sciatica

Learn more about c-section side effects and Acu-Neural Therapy in the FAQs below. When you set up a consultation, we can answer any further questions you may have!

What does Acu-Neural Therapy feel like?

Some people will feel the initial insertion of the needle; others will not. Some patients describe a bubble popping or poprocks feeling as the adhesions break up and tissue separates back to normal.

Some patients have also reported a happy, lightheaded feeling which dissipates after 15 minutes or less. Others have experienced an emotional release of the trauma connected to the scar.

How does it work?

The injection serum works to break up and dissolve the adhesions connected to the deep scar tissue from your c-section.

How many appointments will it take?

Depending on the severity of your scar, you may require between two and six treatments.

How long is each appointment?

It will take up to a half hour but may be finished sooner.

How long will it take to experience results?

You could see results as quickly as the first appointment. Thicker scars and more adhesions take longer. For example, a keloid scar may require several appointments before results are obvious.

Why would my c-section scar cause issues with organ function?

A c-section cuts through seven layers of tissue. As those layers heal, they form scars, and beneath the scar tissue adhesions may develop. Adhesions occur at or near a healing site when collagen tissue abnormally connects to or covers organs or other structures.

This can cause problems, because the adhesions act as barriers for the natural meridians that run through our body, restrict blood flow, and otherwise reduce the function of a woman’s internal organs. The adhesions can also pull the belly skin, causing it to buckle or have a two-tiered belly look.

How do I know if I have adhesions?

Research shows that the appearance of the scar can often reveal adhesions. In most cases, the scar will either have dark pigment (it will be shades darker than the skin around it) or it will be indented. If you lie down and run your hand over your scar, it should feel mostly level with the rest of your skin. It should also be within a couple shades of your skin, blending in color-wise. If it is darker or indented, you likely have c-section adhesions.

Adhesions are also more likely and linked to more problems if you have had multiple c-sections.

At Hado Health

You can trust that your whole being is treated well and that we will carefully select the best treatment for your needs.